Wednesday 17 September 2014

Human Values in the Consciousness of
Bhima Bhoi – the Saint Poet
Dr. Bijayananda Singh
Reader in Odia,
Salipur College, Salipur, Cuttack
Bhima Bhoi, the saint poet, was the embodiment of human thought, feeling, consciousness and above all the values. His whole life was devoted for the cause of humanity. The sole motto of his life was the welfare of the human beings. He could recognize the ‘real self’ of man in man. In fact, he is a rare personality. No man can be compared with him. Man is the supreme creation of all creations. The element of divinity is ingrained in man. But in certain situation, man, the son of God, turns into a demon. The life of a human being is not easy and smooth. He has to be careful in each step of his life. Sometimes, man becomes so cruel and hard hearted that he becomes less than a beast. Bhima Bhoi realized the real existence of both the individual and the society. To lead the people to their right path, he has become a pedestrian of an immortal way. A man, who loves his family, becomes a part and parcel of that family. Likewise a man, who loves his village and societies moved by the misery of his people. A man, who lives his country, breaks down at the crisis of his country. But a man, who loves the whole world, all living beings, feels pained by the sorrows of any single living being. He sheds tears by empathizing other’s agony. That man is the man of the world. Bhima was the man of the world. He deeply felt the eternal pain of the earth. He earnestly prayed to God to make the world rid of sorrows and sufferings. The way he realized the misery of the world and reflected in his writings was quite unique in any other literature of the world.
Bhīma Bhoi was a poet, religious preacher and social reformer. He was also a rebel. Though the society is formed for the wellbeing of the mankind, the so called rules and regulations of the society cause suffering to the human beings. Bhīma Bhoi forced the hard realities of life in his childhood. He has explained the root cause of the suffering of the humanity. He was committed to the cause of truth.
“The Mahima dharma is deeply rooted in the vedic religion. It has of course its own axe to grind. Though originated in the fertile soil of Orissan religious milieu, it is unique in its own way and offers a comprehensive view of theoretical metaphysics as well practical means to realise the goal envisaged in its blue-print. These moral practices can be grouped under the broad concept Sadhana.” ( Bhima Bhoi and Mahima Darshan – S.C. Panigrahi )
Bhīma Bhoi accepted Mahima Dharma. He had large scale contribution to the propagation and popularization of this Dharma. As it is said that Mahima Dharma is a new faith. The other name of this Dharma is manabika=dharma (religion of humans). The chief objective of the dharma was “the welfare of all living beings.” Mahima Dharma is against idol worship. It does not believe in illusion, Brahma, the creator, is truth. The creation, created by Brahma is also the truth. So, no creature is useless. To redeem the world, God takes the formless form and for the realization of the existence of universe the form has become formless. Mahima Dharma is a belief of humanism. After knowing the judicial and religious system of the society, he accepted Mahima Dharma as the ultimate way for the redemption of humankind. To him both the whole world and the entire human race are one and the same.
The pain of every human being touched Bhima Bhoi. His philosophy of life was full of humanistic values. That is why his penance, writings and religious movement were filled with human feelings and sentiments. His heart has cried at the sight of the unlimited agony of the whole world. No one can cry at the plight of the others suffering unless one loves that much to his society. Bhima Bhoi writes
 “Panchavuta atma dagadhi heuchi jivana kandhuchhi niti
Anyaya sansara aniti achara dekhi kaliyuga riti”
(My soul is a flame and life cries all the time after witnessing injustice and anarchy as the principles of Kaliyuga)
(Vaktakabi Bhima Bhoi Granthabali-stuti chintamani)
Bhima Bhoi understood the heart and life of the individuals. He was very empathetic and sensitive. His sentimental attitude has been reflected very well in his poetry. He has been moved by the sufferings of the living beings. He writes :
Eka khanda hada bundae rudhira phute maunsa janai
Tenukari sina praninka bikala sahi na parai muhin
Eka khadagare panchadasa munda chhidai bharata yuddhe
Aneka angaku pade paharile e angaku moro badhe
(My blood boils at the sight of the oppressed. I feel hurt if anybody hurts the other.)
(Kabi Bhima Bhoi Granthabali-stuti chintamani)
Bhima Bhoi was the pioneer of new thoughts. He raised voice against casteism and he advocated a casteless society. He imagined a human society, an organised society. His words are candid, lucid and simple which touch human minds. He writes :
“Jati khojile mukti nahin
Mukti khojile jani nahin
Eka sunyabrahmankathare saran pasa.”
(There is no freedom if you go for caste. Just surrender to the formless God.)
Bhima Bhoi talked of two castes in the society. That is of male and female.
He also writes :
“Ki aba brahmana ki aba chandala anya na dariba chitte
Jati gotrahin no pachariba kichhi hanilava jana jete
Kichhi tahara manare na dhariba ucha niche boli kari
Gruha dharma bidhi emanta prakara satya dharma janti tari.”
(Don’t discriminate between Brahmin and Chandala (low born man) or high and low. This is the law of household. People get redeemed for their truth and devotion.)
(Stuti Chintamani)
Bhima has not just paid attention on social problems. He has also given a new vision to the society. He asks for discipline for a healthy society. Pride and violence destroy human beings. Silence is the centre for human peace and happiness.
“Para dane chori mithya no dhara manare
Hinsa ahankara chhanda nibara durare
Kuta kapata khachaku na rakha pasare
Kama krodho teji sahijaho maunare”
(Avoid women, theft and lie. Maintain distance from the wicked. Give up desire and anger and maintain silence). (Bhajanamala)
Bhima Bhoi was against idol worship. To him an idol has no life. It can’t react. So worshipping such a God is meaningless.
The vast space is the basis of all creation. Man lacks real knowledge. So he fails to judge what is right or wrong. To establish human truth, he writes :
“Manusya hoi nirjiba sange bhaba dekhate kede ajanare
Sunyaru yehu pindaprana gadila nahin taku anumane”
(Being a man he keeps relationship with lifeless. He does not know that he has come from space) (Stuti Chintamani)
Bhima Bhoi was very sympathetic for the common people. Their suffering hurt him deeply. He writes :
“Dukhara sansara manushya sarira deha bahi narakhara
Khanda dei tumbhe bhanduachha mote he anadi yogeswara.”
(Human body is must precious. But O God you are blackmailing me and taking
the other.
He was very conscious of human destination and the means to the end. He was committed to truth. He was the chief exponent of truth. Man can derive real happiness by following the path of truth. Lie is antidote of human ideology. Lie is the cause of his destruction. He writes :
“Michha tharu bada pataka nahin no danadyanare na pode
Ati aprema e asatya kahile kula sansara hin bude’
x                         x                      x                      x
satyare shoiba satyare basiba satya kari tanda brutti
Mahima bhajiba lokamane jete kara ehi dharma kirti
Satyare kahiba satya kahithiba satyare jiba asiba
Satya karmare jete kiratimana yuge yuge rahithiba
Dosa aparadha hani lava jete gurunku kahibe sabu
Kapata nakarina no kahiba kebe abasya dandibe prabhu.”
(The devotees of Mahima dharma should stick to truth. Achievement on the basis of
truth lasts long.)
(Stuti Chintamani)
In fact, Bhimabhoi was a revolutionary. His contemporary society was full of tradition, injustice and blind beliefs. The Brahmin dominated society tortured the rest of the society. But Bhimabhoi was fearless and courageous. For the welfare of the society, he rebelled against the Brahminical society without paying any heed to his life. He raised question against idol worship, casteism and Brahmanya dharma.
It is a matter of great surprise to know the relevance of Bhimabhoi’s writings in his contemporary society. His poetry was spontaneous. It was a sign of his good heart and mind. His heart was innocent and emotional. Such a great poet was unique in any other language of the world. He did not write poetry for the sake of literature. He has written what he felt for the society. He wanted to lead the people on the right track. He put emphasis on human values though he was deeply engrossed in crises. So, Mayadhar Mansingh, another great Odia poet writes on Bhimabhoi.
“He (Bhimabhoi) was a great propagandist of a new, religion whose devotees were large in number both in and outside Odisha. That religion touched this blind and illiterate man which transformed him to a great poet.” (Mansingh Granthabali, IV)
Bhimabhoi always paid attention to the human race. The chief objective of his religion was the development of inner self. If man depends upon Nature- Nature, sky and soil can guide people in right way. Peace of mind was the message of this religion. He sacrificed his life for the sake of happiness of human beings. He takes the world in a humanitarian point of view. He made an effort to provide the basic requirements of life. He wanted a metamorphosis of the whole society. According to Bhimabhoi God. Society and religion are one and only one. Inculcation of a glorified wisdom can lead to a new world.
Bhimabhoi was a successful poet in Odia literature. “He was the harbinger of Modern Odia poetry. He recited for the universal consciousness. He did not find any discrimination of religion, caste and creed in his writings. He not only loved human beings but also he loved 56 crore animals.”
(Sree Nivasa Udgata-”Konarka” editorial)
Lines solace mankind. He writes :
“Bije kariachha kimpa na bujhuchha palai pasibi kahin
Aaji papavara karibi pasara padatale debi thoi
Sarana banchhita kandi kandi vaktagadigaleni sakala
Dosa aparadha kshama kari guru jagatare prati pala
Praninka arata dukha apramita dekhu dekhu keba sahu
Mo jibana pachhe narke padithau jagata uddhara heu.”
(You are all pervasive but why don’t you give justice ? Let my soul go to hell but the universe be redeemed.)
(Stuti chintamani)
Bhimabhoi’s poetry is not only conceived with social commitment but also filled with human values. His human sentiment is incomparable. In fact, life is for the sake of life. One life can realize the pains of one crore. That is what Bhimabhoi has proved in his life.
He has overcome all the social barriers of his time and has dazzled like a gold. He has been ashore by going through reverse current of his life. “Bhimabhoi caught hold of his motherland and soul. He also felt that the entire animal race belonged to him. He put equal emphasis on society and spirituality. He wrote from the high philosophy and mixed it with the emotion and feeling of the common man. His writings are an amalgamation of literature, scriptures and folk-literature. In this context he is unique and extraordinary.
(Stuti Chintamani Kabi Bhimabhoi- Madhusudan Pati)
It is not only his poetry, his vision of life human consciousness and above all his attitude to life is unique. It is really surprising to know that such a man was born. Bhimabhoi was worried for the inexplicable suffering of the common man. He has prayed Alekha Brahma to relieve people from suffering and at the same time has appealed to people to do god deeds. This appeal to God and people is completely novel in Odia literature. To him God is all pervasive. He writes :
“sthabara jangama kitaru patanga chahin dele anusari
Sakala ghatare puri samanare nohe sana bada kari.”
(Your are filled with all living creature-even with tiny insects – equally with all; not more an d not less.)
(Stuti Chintamani)
Bhimabhoi cannot be compared with any other contemporary poets. Because he was unique and extraordinary. He skillfully reflected the modern consciousness in his poetry.
His appearance at the first phase of modern odia poetry  provided a new direction. A beautiful amalgamation of wisdom, consciousness and experience is the famous poet Bhimabhoi. Relation inside home is very sentimental. Relation at home is completely familiar, spiritual and cordial. Bhimabhoi realized this aspect of life. So, it is concluded from his writings that he had emotional and spiritual relationship with all the people of the world. That is why he imagines the whole world to be a family. This type of view is oriented towards the universe :
“Brahmandaku kariachha ghare bakhani”
(You have transformed the whole world into a quarters)
Bhimabhoi was good at establishing close relationship with men and men. Man is not different from man- he is the right emblem of oneness. It will not be wrong to say that these types of feelings and thoughts are rare. His cosmopolitian outlook is a sign of new thought. Bhimabhoi was successful in his penance and would remain the champion for the cause of humanism for all time to come.
Reference Books :
1.           Bhima Bhoi  Granthabali
2.           Stuti Chintamani – Bhima Bhoi
3.           Santhakabi Bhimabhoi – Edited : B.P. Sethi
4.           Odia Sahitya Ithihasa – Prof. B.C. Acharya
5.           History of Oriya Literature – Mayadhar Mansingh
6.           Bhima Bhoi and Mahima Darsan – S.C. Panigrahi
7.           Swami Vivekananda what Religion –
8.           Mahima Dharma Dhara – Satrughna Nath

9.           God and Secularity – J. Macquarrie